Voluntary Health Scotland
Client: Voluntary Health Scotland / Task: Identity, Branding and Communications
VHS work to promote the role of voluntary health organisations, and support them to influence Scottish policy agendas and health outcomes. They cover a wide range of health topics. Their focus is on health inequalities, public health, health and social care integration and mental health delivered through a range of programmes and projects delivered across Scotland
Strategic priorities for 2015 – 2018 include promoting greater recognition of the role of voluntary health organisations. Supporting voluntary health organisations to build their understanding of health agendas so as to play an active part. Influence change in policy and practice, by providing a bridge between the voluntary health sector, decision makers and public services. Strategies and their outcomes are reviewed and highlighted across a range of printed and digital communications.
project delivery
services provided by cgh creative:
Company Signage
Summary Annual Review
Report to Government
Strategy Document
Presentation templates